The Pathways Programs

Ascension Education offers a range of educational services, including bespoke programs on request to suit any school’s careers education needs. Our primary offering however are our Pathways Programs, which are simulated university experience workshops that exist to demystify the process of choosing the right degree, getting into competitive programs, and transitioning to University life.


What are the programs?

Our Pathways Programs are simulated university experience workshops. Students who attend will benefit from:

  • an exciting, challenging, and authentic day-long simulated experience of what it is like to study in a certain tertiary discipline

  • information regarding the process of applying for, and receiving an offer for, their chosen degree

  • practical advice for what to expect at university, and how to transition well

  • an overview of the possible pathways they could take from high-school to thrive in their chosen profession

  • hearing the perspectives of current students and recent graduates in their field of interest


Why attend a Pathways program?

In Australia, more than 50,000 students annually drop out of uni at an average cost of $12,000 (Grattan Institute, 2018). There are plenty of reasons for this, and we think that this debt and lost-time can be avoided if students have a chance to choose well in the first place. That’s why we started our Pathways Programs - they exist to help students discover what it’s actually like to study in a tertiary discipline before committing time, effort, and finances.

Students who have attended our programs report, on average, a 60% increase in how prepared they feel to make informed decisions about tertiary education. Students who love the day leave with greater confidence, having received helpful information about tertiary admissions and career progression. Students who don’t enjoy it are able to take that into account when making decisions about university, and potentially avoid spending time and money pursuing further study in that tertiary discipline. So whether you’re already decided, or still on-the-fence, attending a Pathways Program is worthwhile!


What degrees do your pathways programs cover?

We currently offer Pathways Programs in the following tertiary disciplines:

  • Medicine

  • Business (includes commerce)

  • Law

  • Engineering

  • Allied Health

We are always looking to expand our program options, so keep an eye out for new additions! If there is a particular degree that you are interested in, or if you require more information, please get in contact.